Home » Chris Adler officieel weg bij Lamb Of God

Chris Adler officieel weg bij Lamb Of God

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Het mag vandaag donderen in Nederland. Gisteren donderde het nogal in de metalwereld toen Lamb Of God bekend maakte dat drummer en mede-oprichter Chris Adler de band heeft verlaten en vervangen is door Art Cruz. Art die onder meer bij Prong drumde verving Chris reeds op de laatste tour. 
Op de facebookpagina van Lamb Of God staat het onderstaande bericht.
Dear Lamb of God fans,
We returned last week from a great European festival run and our final tour with Slayer in North America. We are excited to keep the momentum going and dive into the next record.
We’d like to officially welcome Art Cruz, who has been playing drums with us on tour for the last year, as the new drummer of Lamb of God. Art will be joining us in the studio as we begin pre-production and recording of a new album.

We’re very proud of everything this band has accomplished over the last two decades. We would like to thank Chris Adler for his contributions over the years and wish him the best in his future endeavors.
Thank you,
John, Mark, Randy & Willie

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