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Crossfaith komt met nieuwe single

door Maurice van der Zalm
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“Playing heavy music is how I feel alive,” zegt voorman Kenta Koie “We want Crossfaith to be the band making music that no one has ever heard before”.
Dat begon allemaal in 2006 en ondertussen heeft de band zes albums en een EP op de discografie staan. En telkens ontwikkelt de band zich verder en zoekt de grenzen op van de diverse genres.
“You need bands who are leaders,” vervolgt Koie. “Especially in rock music. We focus on making new things and making new movement. That’s our role. We don’t want to be getting old. It’s so sad when you see your heroes starting to sound old, so we brush ourselves off everyday and always try to find a new way to make music. Exploring is very important.”
Met de nieuwe single Feel Alive laten ze dat zeker weer horen. Het is voor de liefhebber die juist de metalcorekant zo waardeert in het geluid van de band, misschien wat wennen, want Feel Alive schurkt ernstig tegen de mainstreamrock / -metalcore.
Kenta Koie zegt over de single:  “‘Feel Alive’ was the first song that we wrote since COVID-19 brought our world down into chaos. Everyone was forced to be alone and divided by the virus, thus we decided to make this song as a hope that cast the shadow. Also, we wanted to make it with our fans, so we recorded our fans clapping at our first show back since this unexpected disaster. In addition, we worked with Josh from Modestep on Feel Alive so you can hear true essence of UK bass music! This song means a lot to us, and hope this will be the light that shines on you”.

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