Home » Imminence, Blind Channel, Silent Skies, Rising Insane, Threads Of Fate, Another Approach, Age Of Athena en Bleed From Within

Imminence, Blind Channel, Silent Skies, Rising Insane, Threads Of Fate, Another Approach, Age Of Athena en Bleed From Within

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Silent Skies
4 februari zullen Tom. S. Englund en Vikram Shankar onder de naam Silent Skies het tweede album Nectar uitbrengen. Dit keer onder de vlag van Napalm Records waar ze afgelopen jaar een deal mee sloten. Silent Skies is voor beide muzikanten een manier om muziek te maken waarbij ze grenzeloos kunnen bewegen in de ambient vorm die ze hebben gekozen voor de muziek. Afgelopen week lanceerde Silent Skies de video bij de eerste single Taper.
Over Taper en het album Nectar zeggen de heren zelf: “Come take a step into the universe of Nectar with ‘Taper’ – a universal statement on the journey of the human experience through time. This is one of our favorites on the album, so allow yourself to get lost in our world as you have a first taste of Nectar.”
“We are tremendously proud to announce our second record, Nectar, will be released on February 4th, 2022. Nectar represents an expansion and an elevation of all things that make us who we are; simultaneously grander and more intimate, more futuristic yet more organic and thoughtful. This record represents who we are, and it means so much to both of us, that we cannot wait for you to experience it.”

Threads Of Fate
2022 zal een veelbelovend jaar worden. Via Layered Reality Productions zal het debuutalbum van het symfonische gezelschap Threads Of Fate in maart uitgebracht worden. Bij de eerste single The Cold Embrace Of The Light is nu een lyricvideo beschikbaar gesteld.
Oprichter Jon Pyres vertelt hierover:  “We’re very happy to finally release the first single of the new album, admittedly a very special track for us. It explores the darker aspects of despair, of delving deep within and facing your inner demons. It was an interesting time for the band and the new material resulted in a far more sinister manner than the debut EP.” 

Age Of Athena
In Canada weet Age Of Athena Amerikaanse metalcore en Europese symfonische metal te combineren tot een eigen geluid. Het is de basis voor het nieuwe album Gate To Oblivion dat op 17 december uitkomt en waarvan de eerste single Dance With The Devil nu beschikbaar is.

Rising Insane
Het Duitse Rising Insane wist me al jaren geleden te imponeren met het geluid dat de band neerzette. In eerste instantie met het debuut Nation in 2017. Ondertussen heeft de band onderdak gevonden bij SPV/Long Branch Records en staat de band aan de vooravond van de release van het nieuwe album Afterglow. Bend And Break is de laatste single die nu uitkomt tot aan de release. Geniet van de aanstekelijke metalcore uit Bremen.

Another Approach
Another Approach is een band uit Zwitserland die zich hebben gewijd aan de progressieve rock. Met de single Scarytale opent de band het album The Way They Are dat in april is uitgekomen.

Bleed From Within
In 2020 bracht Bleed From Within het album Fracture uit. Op onze site werd er destijds het volgende over geschreven: “Het was het wachten waard want Fracture is keihard weer een uitstekend album waarop de band metalcore en keiharde pure metal vermengd tot een modernmetalkroes waaruit het goed tappen is. Zowel liefhebbers als Lamb Of God, Machine Head, Caliban of Parkway Drive kunnen gerust hun oor te luisteren leggen bij dit schijfje.” (Rockportaal)
Ondertussen is de band van Century Media Records overgestapt naar Nuclear Blast Records en droppen meteen even een nieuwe single.
Drummer Ali Richardson over de nieuwe deal: “I’m happy to finally announce that Bleed From Within have signed to Nuclear Blast Records. Their enthusiasm was obvious from our first conversation back in 2020 but as negotiations continued, the team proved that they possess the passion, drive and knowledge to take this band to the next level. It’s also an honour to join such a prolific roster – something that we do not take lightly. I Am Damnation is the first step in a new chapter for us; a sonic development and a true taste of the music that has still to come as part of this new deal. I’m very excited for our future together and can not wait to share what we’ve been working on.”
Nathan Barley Phillips:
“After numerous meetings with the band and discussing everything they’d like to achieve over the next stage of their career, it was immediately apparent that there was a huge synergy and ambition from all parties involved.
Bleed From Within is the absolute embodiment of what a modern Metal band should be and I am positively elated to welcome the guys to the NB family and work directly with them in the years ahead. LFG.”

Jens Prueter:
“It’s been almost 10 years ago since Bleed From Within and I first worked together and I’m more than proud that the band are now joining the Nuclear Blast artist roster. The band have made huge strides over the last few years and there’s an even bigger future ahead. Cheers and lang may yer lum reek!”

Blind Channel
Deze Finse (eurovisie)sensatie opereert nog wel onder de vlag van Century Media Records en komen met de nieuwe single We Are No Saints. De Finse act overtuigt met hun popmetal en staan samen met eurovisie collega’s Lordi vooraan op het Finse vlaggenschip.
Blind Channel: “After our recent breakthrough, we faced a lot of demands from the music industry, the people around us and even from the government. All eyes on us, and not everybody’s happy with us shaking cages – musically or otherwise. Some people want us to be something we’re not in order to fit the concept of role models – national heroes. This song is our answer to those demands. We are a lot of things, but we are no saints.”

De band Imminence wist enige tijd de aandacht te trekken met de prachtige video bij Chasing Shadows. Nu komt de band met de nieuwe single Alleviate.
Fronted by vocalist and violinist Eddie Berg, guitarists Harald Barrett & Alex Arnoldsson,
drummer Peter Hanström and bass player Christian Höijer; IMMINENCE have released the astonishing season finale, featuring the new singles ‘Chasing Shadows‘ & ‘Alleviate‘, out now on all digital streaming platforms, combined in one last music video from the »Heaven In Hiding« cycle. With the new singles, the band premiered a 9 minute short film, an outstanding cinematic project that challenged the entire concept of how a music video can be performed in these modern times.
Following the success of recent singles ‘Temptation‘, ‘Heaven In Hiding‘ and ‘Ghost‘, releases that instantly became the fastest growing tracks in the bands history, IMMINENCE has in a matter of months released some of the most successful metalcore songs of 2021. The new music videos have been praised beyond words by fans and critics, leading IMMINENCE to raising the bar one more time with a visual concept that by far exceeds any expectations built up by the previous releases. The premiere offer something never seen before, acknowledging IMMINENCE as a truly extraordinary creative force in the alternative music scene.
Director Pavel Trebukhin and IMMINENCE have invested more time and effort than ever on the last video production, ensuring the viewer to experience a completely new level of artistic story telling and pushes the boundaries of what can be expected from a quickly uprising metalcore act today.

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