Home » Jinjer toch naar Europa en nieuwe video

Jinjer toch naar Europa en nieuwe video

door Maurice van der Zalm
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De progressieve groovemetalband Jinjer heeft, met de hulp van de Minister van Cultuur in Oekraïne, bekend gemaakt dat ze het land mogen verlaten om hun muziek in de rest van de wereld te laten horen. Dat betekent dat zij hun Europese festivaltour toch door kunnen zetten.. 

Jinjer bassist Eugene zegt erover:

“We are very honored to announce that together with the help of the Ukrainian Ministry Of Culture, we have successfully been granted permission to travel abroad as ambassadors of our country to raise funds and awareness about the war raging back home. This is a huge honor for us as a band and as citizens. We will do our part to make sure that this war stops as soon as possible! Come support, dance and scream your hearts out for Ukraine!”

Klik hier om de donatiepagina met merch te openen. Deze pagina is in het leven geroepen door Jinjer en Napalm Records om geld op te halen voor de bevolking in Oekraïne.

Om het nieuws te vieren en extra kracht bij te zetten is er een verrassingsvideo van Call Me A Symbol uitgebracht.

Eugene voegt eraan toe:

I think this video for ‘Call Me A Symbol’ will forever hold a special and unique place in our hearts as a band. Filmed on our short but awesome European Tour in 2021 tour that almost did not happen because of the pandemic, and now released at such a dark time in which our country has been invaded and there is war on the streets of our home. I really hope this video and this important time in history gives people a new perspective that there are always two sides to everything. Good and Evil, Just and unjust – cherish the good times and face the bad head on… but never ever give up.

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