Terwijl in Oekraïne de strijd in alle hevigheid doorgaat en we wachten tot de narcist uit Rusland zijn troepen weer terugtrekt, komt de band Korypheus uit Oekraïne met de video bij Icarus. Het is een teken dat Oekraïne veerkrachtig en sterk is. Het geluid op Icarus is gestoken in een passend progmetaljasje en dat deze video onze site haalt is niet een gebaar van solidariteit alleen, maar zeker een gebaar dat Korypheus een vette pot progmetal neerzet.
Bleed From Within
“Rise above oneself and grasp the world…” – Archimedes
Vanuit Schotland komen goede berichten. Bleed From Within heeft, na een zeer opmerkelijk jaar, alle uitdagingen beproefd en komt oop 3 juni met het nieuwe album Shrine. Je kunt alvast kennismaken met de track Levitate dat visueel in een mooi jasje is gestoken.
Bleed From Within: “’Shrine’ is the sonic embodiment of the dedication to our craft, representing everything that we’ve been through to stand where we are today. By far our most challenging album to complete, ‘Shrine’ is a testament to our resilience. It is clear recognition of what we’ve been able to accomplish so far, but also a taste of our potential as we continue this journey. As we fought through the writing process, we were continually fueled by society’s darkest moments. The lies. The inequality. The violence. We just couldn’t comprehend it. Ultimately, ‘Shrine’ was our outlet for the anger that we felt as we bore witness to the chaos. It listened as lockdowns tested our resolve, and gave us a reason to get out of our beds in the morning. We are never finished. We are in a constant state of self-improvement as the band continues, so up until this point, we can honestly say that ‘Shrine’ is truly our finest work. It is everything we’ve ever wanted to accomplish as a band, and it has inspired us beyond belief. We start this campaign knowing that this is our greatest accomplishment, our proudest moment, and soon to be our biggest album. For all those that continue to support us, this is for you. This is ‘Shrine’.”
“Tell Them All… It Is Time…”
Velen hebben er ongetwijfels reikhalzend naar uitgezien en het is bijna zover: het nieuw album Impera van Ghost ligt 11 maart in de winkel Met de lyric video bij Twenties kun je je ervan verzekeren dat Papa Emerentius IV en de nameless Ghouls weer op volle touren zijn. Impera is inmiddels het vijfde album van de Zweedse theatrale band.
Ghost kun je live aanschouwen in april, samen met Uncle Acid & the Dead Beats en Twin Temple
Sat 9 – Manchester, Arena, UK
Mon 11- London, O2 Arena, UK
Wed 13 – Glasgow, Hydro, UK
Fri 15 – Birmingham, RWA Arena, UK
Sun 17 – Rotterdam, RTM Stage Ahoy, THE NETHERLANDS
Mon 18 – Paris, Accor Arena, FRANCE
Tue 19 – Cologne, Lanxess Arena, GERMANY
Thu 21 – Leipzig Quarterback Immobillen Arena, GERMANY
Fri 22 – Frankfurt, Festhalle, GERMANY
Sun 24 – Prague, Arena, CZECH REPUBLIC
Wed 27 – Tampere, Nokia Arena, FINLAND
Fri 29 – Stockhom, Avicii Arena, SWEDEN
Sat 30 – Oslo, Spektrum, NORWAY
Where’s My Bible
Van Zweden naar Finland is niet zo’n grote stap en van Ghost naar de Bijbel blijkbaar ook niet. Where’s My Bible heeft afgelopen week de tweede single van de EP online gezet, een EP die 13 mei te verkrijgen is via Inverse Records.
Zanger Jussi Matilainen : “Void a.k.a Autumn Story continues. We dive deeper into the human mind. A beautiful video but inside it will be a stormy dark path. (The video will be beautiful but the visuals/mood/context/story/etc. will be a stormy dark path) . This part of the story is about the feeling when you are deep in your depression and every step will be heavier than the other. How will you survive? If you even have any reason to, or how that feeling leads you to an even darker place where there’s nothing left anymore. And how it’s all real for you. Even the people near you can’t see your personal apocalypse and what’s inside you. What comes to the song, I really love it. ‘Cause it’s more melodic and melancholic than anything else in wmb:s history. Beautiful piece of art.”
Gitarist Pasi Löfgrén vult daarop aan: “With this song we wanted to do something slower, more melodic and beautiful but also big and heavy to support the lyrics. I like this song very much and I can’t wait to get to play it live even though it brings new challenges for myself because here I jumped to take more care of clean singing along with guitar.”
Nieuwe video's van Korypheus, Bleed From Withing, Where's My Bible en Ghost