Home » Theocracy ontslaat gitarist Val Allen Wood

Theocracy ontslaat gitarist Val Allen Wood

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Vorige week maakte Theocracy op hun website en via de facebookpagina bekend dat gitarist Val Allen Wood per onmiddellijke ingang was ontslagen.
“Theocracy has fired guitarist Val Allen Wood (real name Vladimir) after learning of unethical behavior that stands in direct opposition to the band’s integrity, values, and mission. After a thorough investigation, it was clear to the band members and management that this action was necessary and unavoidable. The band wishes to make it clear that Vladimir does not represent Theocracy in any capacity.” (bron: https://theocracymusic.com/)
Wat er precies aan de hand was, was toen nog geheel onduidelijk. De afgelopen week is er de nodige discussie geweest op het internet en het blijkt dat Val Allen Wood uit naam van de band geld probeerde af te troggelen van fans en agressief reageerde wanneer er niet gereageerd werd.
Via Instagram liet de band nog weten dat zij afstand doen van eventuele (malafide) praktijken van Val Allen Wood.
“Good morning! If you were sold a signed @ghalad Theocracy poster, and we didn’t speak to you yesterday, please send us a private message here or on Facebook.
Likewise, if you were sold anything under the guise of some sort of new Theocracy album or tour fundraiser, or promised future booklet credits or other things, and we didn’t speak to you yesterday, please send us a private message (here or on Facebook).
Thank you, and have a great week!” (bron: Instagrampagina theocracymusic)

“Hello friends, we want to be perfectly clear about something, on the record: Theocracy HAS NEVER AND WILL NEVER ask fans for money to fund an album or a tour, or to pay a manager, or to buy plane tickets, or to purchase studio equipment, or to rent or repair anything. These things are the responsibility of the band and record label. Any private correspondence you have received with similar requests in the past was bogus and done without the band’s knowledge or approval, and any such future requests will be as well. If we ever were to feel led to raise funds for a particular cause or need, it would be done through an official, public crowdfunding source or a musical charity like Project Aegis, and it would be posted on authorized Theocracy channels at Facebook and theocracymusic.com. Thank you, and have a great weekend!”

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