Mister Misery
Of het nu Halloween is of Valentijnsdag. Een nieuwe single van Mister Misery past er zeker bij. De Zweedse band die ‘horror’ met aanstekelijke metal weet te verenigen heeft met Hand Of Death een mooi nieuw exemplaar afgeleverd.
De eveneens Zweedse band thrown doet het eveneens niet slecht. De vorige singles quilt en on the verge haalden met gemakt 7 miljoen streams. De nieuwe single backfire doet daar een schepje bovenop.
Sable Hills
Sable Hills komt uit het land van de rijzende zon en spelen goede metalcore. De band staat op het punt om het derde album Odyssey via Arising Empire uit te brengen in april. No Turning Back is de nieuwe single waarop Trevor Phipps van Unearth te horen is.
Gitarist Rict : “The new song ‘No Turning Back’ is full of energy. You can mosh, stagedive, circlepit, singalong, whatever you want to do in metal/hardcore live. The song is fast and short, within 3 minutes. And we feature one of the metalcore legends as well as our goodfriend Trevor Phipps of Unearth on the song. We toured with Unearth in Japan and Taiwan. And making the friendship, this happened. So honored to feature him at this time, and so excited to see how people react to the song.”
Artificial Language
Artificial Language gooit het muzikaal over een andere boeg. Deze Amerikanen spelen progressieve technische metal en zullen op 22 maart de EP Distant Glow uitbrengen. Hoe dat gaat klinken? Luister alvast naar Skinwalker.
“Skinwalker is the concluding track to the Distant Glow EP. Sonically, it’s a slight step towards an aggressive sound for the group. It’s a song that lyrically deals with manipulation – one can be manipulated by loved ones, religious figures, people in power, and even our own social statuses we’ve built for ourselves. The EP’s narrative draws to a close by dealing with the consequences of this.”
“World Worn Out” is the story of a world at the end of its course, a world exhausted by human behavior in its entirety via the interaction of humans with each other and also via the interaction of the latter with the various living species on this planet. It’s the story of a world in desolation. The clip’s staging illustrates this point with man’s desire to shape the world in his own image. This enigmatic person with no real face has abducted a mystical species represented by the mermaid in an attempt to make it human by altering its bodily appearance. The clip is a “survival horror” where every moment is crucial to the mermaid’s survival…