Home » Wat hebben Dream Theater en Lordi met elkaar gemeen?

Wat hebben Dream Theater en Lordi met elkaar gemeen?

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Gewoon….dat ze beiden met een nieuwe video komen. Net als al die andere goede bands die je hieronder kunt vinden.
Het derde album van Aephanemer komt eraan. Op 19 november zal via Napalm Records het album A Dream Of Wilderness het levenslicht zien. Met Panta Rhei kun je alvast in de stemming komen.

Dream Theater
Nog een maandje en dan komt Dream Theater met het nieuwe album A View From The Top Of The World. Met The Alien wist de band al te overtuigen en daar zorgen ze met Invisible Monster nog een keer voor.

Big Big Train
Big Big Train bracht het album Common Ground uit en Laterna is de tweede single van dit album. Het is geschreven door oprichter en bassist Gregory Spawton: ‘This song came about because of an unexpected journey in Italy. I was on holiday in Milan and travelled to the airport to fly back home. The plane that was due to land at Milan was diverted to Venice due to bad weather. Rather than hang around at the airport for a day or two, we rebooked our flight so that we could return from Genoa a few days’ later. With some time on our hands to explore the city, we ended up walking out to the beautiful lighthouse which is called the Lanterna di Genova. The Lanterna was built in the 16th century but there has been a lighthouse on the site since 1128. I liked the thought of mankind building these tall towers of light to extend our reach into the sea and to help bring sailors safely home’.

Cormac Neeson
Cormac is bekend als zanger van The Answer, maar is ook solo actief. Hij komt nu met de nieuwe single Precious Cargo.
Cormac:  “I actually developed a lot of the vocal ideas for this song during the first lockdown when I didn’t have access to a studio, so I would play and sing through the song every night but very quietly as my two children slept upstairs! Almost by accident, I developed this unusual close, whispering type vocal sound which sparked the idea to evolve the track into a full production. It is definitely a departure from anything I’ve ever released before but I’m very proud of it so we’re going to put it out there!!

Ben Blutzukker
Met de start van de herfst leek het Ben Blutzukker een mooie gelegenheid om de compositie Autumn Rains uit te brengen.


Van het nieuwe album Define The Sinner heeft Subfire de video bij Fate Of A Sinister World online gezet.

Fit For An Autopsy
Gelukkig begint 2022 goed met de release van het album Oh What The Future Holds. Met Far From Heaven licht de band een tipje van de sluier op.
“This song felt like a worthy introduction to premiere the album, picking up where we left off creatively from our last release,” the band says. “Although there are more drastic dynamic turns on the new album, ‘Far From Heaven’ delivers from a more simplistic and primal place. Lyrically, this record digs a little further into internal turmoil as well, but this song is in a way a much more literal and grounded representation of our continued frustration with institutions and class gaps that exist in all facets of society. The powerful video, directed by Eric Richter, is a great thematic visual counterpart to the inherent dark nature of the song. Hope you enjoy it — we certainly do.”

As I Lay Dying

Fans van Behemoth en Bliss Of Flesh doen er goed aan om onderstaande video eens te bekijken. Deze black-/deathmetalband komt uit Frankrijk en neemt je mee in de Griekse mythologie met blast, growl en big strings.

Lordi behoeft geen verdere aankondiging. Het nieuwe album zit eraan te komen en met Abracadaver laat Lordi zien en horen waar de band goed in is.

Met Only Human trapt Northtale de promotijd voor het nieuwe album Eternal Flame af.
Gitarist Bill Hudson zegt erover: “The time has come! After almost two years of hard work, a lineup change and a global pandemic, we’re very happy to tell you we’re releasing our new album, “Eternal Flame”. Our friends at Nuclear Blast have picked ‘Only Human’ as the first single. A short, straight to the point Power Metal track packed with every element that makes up our music. Sonically, it’ll sound very familiar to the fans. Lyrically, it talks about the moment we’re living in, where power structures are starting to crumble and people are rising up to what they believe in, in search of evolution. But we also make mistakes, and that’s exactly what makes us human. We learn by trial and error and become wiser that way.
I know it sounds cliché, but this album is very superior to our debut. Also, I got some of my amazing friends to guest on it! I simply cannot wait to hear everyone’s reaction.
For now, enjoy ‘Only Human’ and we’re looking forward to meeting everyone this winter in Europe with UNLEASH THE ARCHERS and STRIKER.”

From Fall To Spring
FFTS is de nieuwkomer bij Arising Empire. Deze single is het lekkere visitekaartje van de band.


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