Home » Words That Burn lanceert video bij “Mirror Perfect Mannequin”

Words That Burn lanceert video bij “Mirror Perfect Mannequin”

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Een jaar geleden wist het Ierse Words That Burn te overtuigen met het album Regret Is For The Dead.
Nadat vorig jaar al een video van het nummer Unalive verscheen, heeft de band vandaag een nieuwe video online geplaatst. Het betreft hier het nummer Mirror Perfect Mannequin.
Op onze website werd het nummer als volgt omschreven: “Met Mirror Perfect Mannequin weten ze de kwaliteit nog te verhogen. Het nummer luistert als een Hollandse zomerdag. Prachtig, zwoel en prettig terwijl later op de dag onweersbuien de grond geselen met striemende regenstralen en flink gedonder.“(Rockportaal)
De band zelf geeft de volgende info:
“This is the second video we have done with director Andrew Browne, the first one being Unalive last year. He is by far one of the most professional and easy to work with people we have dealt with since the band began. From pre-production to final edit, he kept us in the loop throughout the entire process. This video was a bigger production than Unalive, more people involved & more going on in the background but the entire crew made the process as pain-free and enjoyable as possible. It was also our first time working with a choreography/dance team.  Something that we were excited and apprehensive about.  When we initially came up with the concept for the video, we had to make sure that the tone of the song was captured through the girl’s movement.  After seeing the final cut, we feel it was executed flawlessly.  The girls Amy Ford and Emma Larney worked off each other extremely well so our DOP Patrick Clarke was able to get the very best out of every performance. All in all, we are very proud of this video. The song is one of the strongest on the album so we needed to do it justice and we feel like that is exactly what we have achieved.”
Dat wordt dus gewoon genieten. Kijk en ervaar Words That Burn:

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