Home » Dear Mother, Orbit Culture, The Raven Age en Between The Buried And Me maken je weekend compleet

Dear Mother, Orbit Culture, The Raven Age en Between The Buried And Me maken je weekend compleet

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Dear Mother
Met een succesvolle release van het album Bulletproof kan Dear Mother met trots terugkijken op de afgelopen week. De reacties in de pers zijn goed en vanuit de media is er genoeg aandacht. In de video bij The Ones Below kun je een beetje het gehele project volgen.

Orbit Culture
Vandaag is dan officieel de nieuwe video bij Flight Of The Fireflies van het Zweedse Orbit Culture online gezet. De nieuwe EP die 24 september uitkomt via Seek & Strike is nu al in de voorverkoop te bestellen op https://imperi.cn/orbitculture
Zanger en gitarist Niklas Karlsson zegt over de nieuwe single en de EP: “‘Flight Of The Fireflies’ has all the ingredients needed for an Orbit Culture song, but with upgraded muscle in all departments. The riffs, the growls, the chorus, and the twist. Shaman has that flow to be executed more in a live setting, which was one of the goals creating it. We want to be a band that’s able to run around the stage and engage with the audience, rather than standing in one place and sweating over weird guitar patterns. I think that’s the major difference between Nija to Shaman. We want people to be blown away live and the songs on this EP are somewhat constructed for that. Of course, you’ll get what you expect from us; heavy and fast guitars combined with low-tuned drops followed up by singalong choruses with an exotic twist. I think that describes Shaman’s overall vibe.”
Dat Metallica en Gojira van grote invloed zijn op de muziek van Orbit Culture mag wel duidelijk zijn. Niklas zegt hierover: “As much as we love metal, we love other music, too. We love a good hard-hitting song as much as the next guy, but we’ve always found that blending and mixing genres seems more fun for us at least, rather than deciding on a specific genre to write within the metal scene. It really helps us to be creative and motivated. I’m guessing that is something that we’ll always do.”

The Raven Age
The Raven Age is een Engelse band die reeds twee uitstekende albums heeft uitgebracht, waarvan Conspiracy in 2019 de laatste was. Het album is in de tussentijd ruim 30 miljoen keer gestreamd. Op 17 september brengt de band het album Exile uit via Explore1 Music Group/EX1 Records. Het nieuwe album bevat elf composities waarvan twee geheel nieuw zijn. De overige zijn bewerkingen van de fanfavorieten van Conspiracy en wat liveuitvoeringen van optredens in Chili, Canada, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en de Verenigde Staten.
The concept for Exile is something we had been toying with for a while”, zegt zanger Matt James. “We had done alternate acoustic style versions of songs before and the response was so positive it made us think about doing a whole album this way! Obviously, The Raven Age is first and foremost a metal band but due to the melodic nature of our songs they can lend themselves to this kind of treatment. We were pleasantly surprised how great so many of the songs sounded stripped back to their bare bones”.
Each reimagined song has now taken on a new life of its own and gives the listener a completely different perspective from them. The two new tracks Wait For Me and No Man’s Land were a homage to this project’s concept and we hope it shows people the band’s versatility and different dimensions. Exileis a passion project for our fans in between albums and with the current climate of the planet, it gave us the perfect excuse to roll with it!”.
Gitarist George Harris zegt over de nieuwe compositie No Man’s Land: “No Man’s Land is a song reflective of the mental state I was in when everything hit at the start of 2020. The band had a huge couple of years touring wise and had built up so much momentum, the morale in the camp was higher than ever before. Our last gig of 2019 was at the London O2 arena alongside Alter Bridge and Shinedown, so to go from those heights to nothing was devastating for us”. “We’re at the stage in our careers where we rely on that momentum and buzz to keep us reaching forward, and to have the rug pulled from underneath us left us in a state of limbo where we suddenly didn’t know if everything we’d built so far and worked so hard for was all for nothing”.
Met The Year The World Stood Still geeft The Raven Age een streamoptreden op 16 september en viert daarmee de release van Exile. Tickets voor The Year The World Stood Still zijn beschikbaar op here.

Between The Buried And Me
Between The Buried And Me staan ook aan de vooravond van de release van het nieuwe album Colors II. De nieuwe en tweede single Revolution In Limbo is nu  verschenen.


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