Home » Forbidden Seasons komt met eerste video

Forbidden Seasons komt met eerste video

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Italian metalcore quintet Forbidden Seasons have unveiled the video for ‘Thank You For The Venom

Featuring Suicide Girl Riae, vocalist Mark Seasons reveals: “The song talks about an ill relationship with someone very dear to me. They played with my life; tried to take advantage of my weaknesses and unconditional love, turning it into hatred and venom, consuming my soul. When in times of need this person tried to get back in touch, they managed to make me feel even worse; numb even though in my veins flows their own rotten blood. The video explains this relationship; the protagonist forced to interact with a mysterious and dark entity which ultimately despite all the efforts, manages to corrupt her, convincing her to consume its venom. With this track I wanted to release the evil which I’ve had inside for years. Even though I don’t usually like to talk about my personal issues, thanks to my band and family, I managed to open up.”
‘Thank You For The Venom’ is taken from their forthcoming debut album ‘Promise’, which will see release via This Is Core on 16th March 2018. The LP follows on from their 2017 debut, EP ‘Paramnesia’, with vocalist Mark Seasons saying of the title:
“’Promise’ refers to all the promises made by people that are never fulfilled because of their selfishness.” The writing of the record began after their Russian tour in February 2017 and taking their time, recording took place over 7 months at HTR Studios in Turin. Covering such topics as lonlieness, anger, apathy and misplaced trust, the outcome is self-described as “really reflecting who we are and the direction we want to take. Both in terms of sound and composition it’s very different from Paramnesia, heavier than our last work; we wanted to create a deeper sound according to our emotional state.” Melodically charged, beauty meeting darkness, their sound evokes Saosin and Underoath, Forbidden Seasons certainly are a promising prospect.
Hailing from Turin, Italy, the band is completed by Symon Ray on Lead Guitar, Danny Ghale on  Rhythm Guitar, Paul J. Price on Bass and Federico Spagnoli handling both Drums and Keys. Founded in 2015, they simply came together as five individuals intent on realising their dreams to play music. Mark explains the moniker: “It’s about discrimination and lack of half measures in society. Everything is completely bad or good, black or white. There’s no space for gray anymore. Forbidden Seasons, it’s like forbidden feelings, forbidden thoughts, forbidden actions, forbidden goals… So we thought that name fit great with this idea.”

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