Home » Jah Wobble and The Ukrainians – Ukrainian National Anthem In Dub (feat. Jon Klein)

Jah Wobble and The Ukrainians – Ukrainian National Anthem In Dub (feat. Jon Klein)

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Er zijn heel veel initiatieven ten aanzien van de bevolking van Ukraïne om ze een hart onder de riem te steken. Muziekicoon Jah Wobble heeft samen met het Britse folk-punkcollectief The Ukrainians het volkslied bewerkt tot Ukrainian National Anthem In Dub. Een compositie die een unieke versie is van het volkslied met de folkloristische elementen en Wobble’s keurmerk in de dubsound. 
Jah Wobble wordt bijgestaan door Len Liggins, Peter Solowka, Paul Weatherhead en Stephen Tymruk.
De opbrengsten van deze single gaan geheel naar liefdadigheidsdoelen die de vluchtelingen uit Ukraïne ondersteunen. (Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal en the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB) Help Ukraine Emergency Appeal)
Jah Wobble : “I was introduced to Len from the Ukrainians by Mark my bass tech. I was very keen to help in any way that I could.  So I enlisted the help of Jon Klein and Anthony Hopkins, who I run ‘Tuned in’ with. It’s a community music project based in the London Borough of Merton. We have built a recording studio there. Indeed, at the moment, Anthony is involved in the process of the settlement of Ukrainian refugees coming in to the borough. It was a lot of fun putting the track together. And well done to Len and the rest of the band for initiating this.”
“We’d like to say a big thank you to Jah Wobble and Jon Klein for creating this fabulous track with us in order to raise much needed funds for Ukrainian refugees. Monies collected will buy provisions, medical aid and clothing for traumatised individuals and families whose situation is desperate beyond our understanding here in western Europe,” zegtLen Liggins.
“It’s important for us all to keep in mind too, that as reports of the invasion’s progress slip down the priority list on the national news, a great deal of support will still be needed by these refugees on an ongoing basis. Please don’t forget them just because you see less of them on your screens. Please continue to support them. The mass murders, cruel rapes and wanton destruction of Ukraine will continue while the TV cameras are pointing somewhere else.”
‘Ukrainian National Anthem in Dub’ is beschikbaar via Bandcamp (de snelste weg om te steunen) maar kan ook gevonden worden op andere platforms via https://ffm.to/jahwobbleukrainians.

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