Anderhalf jaar na het uitbrengen van het album Trips heeft Long Distance Calling bekend gemaakt dat de band met een nieuw album op de proppen komt. Het zesde album zal Boundless heten en is gepland voor 2 februari 2018. Opvallend ten aanzien van hun vorige twee albums is dat het volgende album een reis terug is in de tijd en dat betekent dat het een puur instrumentaal album wordt.
The band comments: “We are happy to announce our new album “BOUNDLESS” which will see the light of day on February 2nd 2018. This time around the four of us locked ourselves in a room over a couple of months and pretty much got back to where we started as a band to catch this “go with the flow” feeling. This is probably the purest LDC album ever, no guests, no vocals, all instrumental. We´re stoked how it turned out and this album got a lot of energy, heaviness, melodies and twists, we hope you will enjoy it as much as we do.”Following the release of 2016’s “TRIPS”, which saw the band collaborating with Norwegian vocalist Petter Carlsen, Long Distance Calling celebrated the 10th anniversary of their debut album “Satellite Bay” with ‘An Evening With’ shows in Germany. This was the first step in the band for returning to a solely instrumental sound, going back to the core of what the band are about and realising that the band were happiest with just the 4 of them together.
The band reveals: “We wanted to focus on what we started with. Maybe that’s why Boundless turned out so hard – we all started with metal back in the days.” If “Boundless” sounds like anything at all, it’s Long Distance Calling. Four musicians, four totally different but strong characters. The band adds: “This time we worked very intuitively. Someone starts, and something develops from this. This way, you achieve an enormous sonic scope – and you can hear that on the album.”
Long Distance Calling tear everything down and let it blossom again. “Boundless” sounds like freedom found again, sometimes weightless, sometimes oppressively heavy.
Long Distance Calling kondigt nieuw album aan