Home » Tegenslag voor Frank Börnemann en Eloy

Tegenslag voor Frank Börnemann en Eloy

door hansravensbergen@rockportaal.nl
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Frank Börnemann van Eloy heeft tegenslag bij het uitbrengen van het nieuwe Eloy album The Vision The Sword And The The Pyre Part 2. Daardoor heeft de releasedatum, die oorspronkelijk was vastgesteld op 16 augustus 2019, een onbekende vertraging.
Hier het volledige statement van Frank Börnemann:
Dear friends and partners, a terrible technical disaster has taken place just before the final mastering: The hard disk, on which the entire, mixed album is located has crashed. I have only ever experienced something like this once, in 2003, but this time it hasn’t led to a complete meltdown because I learned from the incident back then and have exercised appropriate caution. We’ve put the entire production, some of which is already in Stems, and all the single tracks, most of which have already been finalised, on a backup hard drive, so that we can put all the material back together again in August. Unfortunately, this won’t happen quickly enough to keep to the advertised release date, which has now been delayed by the restoration time of the final mixes and the mastering. However, I will definitely be able to get the whole album ready for production in August. As I am still in shock and currently trying to find the right people to help me in the middle of the holiday season, I ask for your patience for a few days until I have collected all the parameters for the whole process. I will get back to you shortly with further details once I have a reliable time window.
Best regards, Frank Bornemann

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