Home » Tiende videovlog van Epica

Tiende videovlog van Epica

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Het is in de reeks videovlogs in aanloop naar het nieuwe album alweer de tiende aflevering. Dit keer zien we Epica in de laatste week van het opnameproces. Ze hebben enorm plezier in het opnemen van alternatieve akoestische versies van composities voor het achtste album. 
Coen Janssen comments: ‘After spending half a year writing and recording some serious metal, we usually blow off some steam by re-arranging a few songs in a totally different way. This time we went all out again and produced some crazy and unexpected versions that will appear as a bonus on certain editions of the new album! If you only half enjoy it as much as we did making it, you are in for a treat!! Loosen up those hips put on that smile and enjoy the acoustic songs!’

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