Home » Katatonia – Shifts, nieuwe video

Katatonia – Shifts, nieuwe video

door Ron Schoonwater
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Katatonia persberichtKatatonia heeft een nieuwe video online gezet. Het nummer Shifts is afkomstig van The Fall of Hearts wat eerder dit jaar uitkwam op Peaceville Records. De video is geregisseerd door Lasse Hoile.

“As the music for this song unfolded it took off in a different direction from usually what we do. Driven by its gentle, lush and shimmering rendition of melancholy it would take you for a waltz daydreaming of the past, longing for the happiest times of your life, only to find that when the dance is over, emptiness has filled another chamber of your heart. Both Jonas and Lasse enhanced these ideas into beautifully told lyrics and a simple, but very touching video.” Anders Nyström

Zanger Jonas Renkse over de tekst van het nummer: Once I heard Anders’ initial demo for “Shifts” I had a feeling that it needed a timeless kind of lyric. The sentimental kind of music made me think of how memories of better days can keep one alive… and it had me writing down a vague, modest thought on war, how it separates people, and ultimately brings a certain death that would only be eased by the thought of past days and a loved one.”

Lyrics Shifts:

Spiralling nights in the void

Weathered coat and a dagger

If I dream back my youth I can still hear you sing

A voice that will die on a mountain

And I fear that I’ve stayed here just a little too long


I had to go where you couldn’t follow

In my weariness

I still hear you singing in my mind


And all the fortunes they took away


The shifting earth beneath us

The clouds at our feet

The sun was made a jewel

When at night it did sleep

Nothing to observe


Cast in a trench of fire

I see the sky is a ceiling

And when my heart dies down

I am long gone on the fields of summer’s green

Away from fall and famine


I am in every season

The one you have always known

Life did not reward you

So find your way to the river and let go


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