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Video’s om de zomer af te sluiten

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Whitechapel heeft de ideale single om straks de herfst in te luiden.

“‘A Visceral Retch’ is a song that fans of “The Somatic Defilement” will latch onto immediately. It was one of the first songs we had in the chamber to work with. This song came to light thanks mostly to [guitarist] Zach Householder. He showed us and we all immediately said, ‘yup, that’s it.’ Zach is notorious for very dark and horror-like vibes so this album is right in his wheelhouse. The song is disturbing. Imagine being put in a situation of survival by gluttonous, mammoth demons that give you a choice. Eat the demons’ waste, eat each other, or starve to death. The twist, you’re against the people you love the most. It’s a way to find the ones that are truly evil people to build and strengthen their cult. It also represents how horrible people can really be, when push comes to shove.” – Phil Bozeman

Mezmerizer heeft de thuisbasis in Denemarken en is in 2009 opgericht. In de tussentijd is er al diverse muziek op de luisteraar afgestuurd en zijn er de nodige bandwisselingen geweest. Momenteel is Michale Bastholm Dahl (ex-Artillery) de zanger en hij zegt het volgende over de muziek:

“So, we basically just listen to each riff and try to come up with melodies, harmonies, punchlines and rhythms that add something interesting to the overall sound.”

Flemming Goldberg-Larsen voegt eraan toe: “I love a million different metalbands, but when I work on new material I remind myself that a live show can be built around aggressive tunes such as Wrathchild, epic tunes such as Seventh Son of a Seventh Son and crowdpleasers such as Fear of the Dark. I don’t claim to have the same skills as Iron Maiden, but I will always do my best to honor the tradition of bands who walk the extra mile in order to give their listeners a memorable experience.”

Ook Halcyon Days uit Noorwegen laat van zich horen met een eerste single van het aankomende album.

Halcyon Days :
“Nail in the Coffin is a song about letting go of the toxic and fake people in your life that are bringing you down, not really being your friends, bringing negativity or only wanting something from you, and that in the end is no good for you or your mental health. Instead focus on taking care of the people that really cares about you, bring good to your life and you are happy to have in your life and cherish those relationships instead.”

De huidige staat van de wereld en de frustratie eromheen waren de inspiratiebron voor Annisokay voor de nieuwe single ‘Get Your Sh*t Together’.

“The video for ‘Get Your Sh*t Together’ starts off like a classic bank robbery. Armed with guns and modern gear, and with Rudi as our hacker in the van, we’ve planned the perfect job. But what if we’re after something much bigger than cash? There are secrets guarded more closely than any fortune in the world—secrets that were never meant to see the light of day. What if we manage to uncover them? We don’t want money; we want answers!”

“Do you also feel like the whole world is spiraling out of control? It seems like the most powerful and influential people have lost their minds, pushing us closer and closer to the edge. But it’s not just them—everyday people who talk nonsense and make life difficult make you want to shout, ‘Get your sh*t together!’”

Serpents werd aan het einde van 2023 opgericht en is al snel boven komen drijven binnen de metal-scene. Inmiddels hebben ze al meer dan 40 shows in verschillende Europese landen op hun naam staan. Deze innovatieve band boeit het publiek met hun genre-overschrijdende geluid. Voor fans van bands waar metal samenkomt met atmosferische elementen, biedt Serpents een frisse en opwindende luisterervaring.

In hun korte maar impactvolle carrière heeft Serpents al zes overtuigende singles op de wereld losgelaten, elk een bewijs van hun creatieve bekwaamheid. Tangled, Self-made Suffering en Hourglass, allemaal uitgebracht in 2023, dienen als sonische mijlpalen, gevolgd door The Void, Walking Disaster en The Signal in 2024, die luisteraars door het evoluerende muzikale landschap van de band leiden. De nummers weerspiegelen niet alleen Serpents’ toewijding om grenzen te verleggen, maar bieden ook een glimp van het diverse palet aan emoties en ervaringen die in hun muziek zijn vastgelegd.

Deze nieuwe single- en videorelease, getiteld AES, een afkorting voor An Emotional Suicide, werpt licht op een harde waarheid: meer dan 90% van de mensen verlaat dit leven zonder hun dromen te vervullen. We raken vaak verstrikt in de eisen en verwachtingen van de maatschappij, en verwaarlozen onze eigen passies en aspiraties. Onze dromen en doelen negeren ten gunste van het conformeren aan het systeem staat gelijk aan emotionele zelfmoord.

27 september zal Awake The Dreamer het nieuwe album uitbrengen via Arising Empire.

De twee singles hieronder zijn al beschikbaar.

Voor het nieuwe album van Juliet’s Not Dead zul je nog even geduld moeten hebben tot het voorjaar van 2025, maar de eerste energieke single Thrillseekers is nu al wel beschikbaar.

Stevie : “It feels so good to release Thrillseekers. It sets the tone for where we want to take this album. As it’s the start of a new era for us as a band, we approached this album with a view to accentuate everything we are about. This is the song to set things off with a bang!”

Juliet’s Not Dead is misschien beter bekend als Twister, maar de naamwijziging is een feit.  

Stevie Stoker over de naamswijziging: “This is probably the biggest decision we’ve ever made as a band, having gone under the Twister banner for so long. But following the completion of our new album with Romesh (Dodangoda, as producer) it just felt time to evolve, to kick it up, to create a brand that better represents our sound. It was hard to take the plunge but now it’s done it feels great. We love our new name and I now need another tattoo! We will still be playing Twister songs, they are now just Juliet’s Not Dead songs and when coupled with the new material folks will see that growth and natural progression. These are exciting times for us, not that we were jaded or treading water but the new material sounds fresh and takes us to another level. Now we get to show our fans and hopefully gain some new ones too. We’ve spent so long perfecting this show and now we absolutely can’t wait to get out there and play for everyone.”
Over het album zegt Stevie: “I love this album, not only do I think it’s the best music we’ve ever written, but it was also the most enjoyable writing and recording process I’ve ever been a part of. Me and Jack wrote for most of 2023. We were even recording demos while on tour round Europe. We started by having the right production team and approaching it with a clear view of what we wanted the final result to be. Romesh and the boys at Longwave made our job easy and we literally smiled and laughed our way through it.”

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