Heart kan gerust tot één van de meest succesvolle bands aller tijden gerekend worden. Met een groot aantal hits en een trouwe fanschare is de band niet weg te denken uit de muziekgeschiedenis.
Zangeres Ann Wilson heeft, net als zus Nancy vorig jaar, aangekondigd dat er een nieuw album aan zit te komen op 29 april via Silver Lining Music. Met de eerste single Greed laat ze horen dat haar zangvermogen de tand des tijds mooi heeft doorstaan. Krachtig en enigszins rauw weet ze Greed net dat beetje extra te geven.
‘Greed’ is that thing in our animal nature that makes us want MORE,” zegt Wilson zelf. “Whether it be money, sex, power or ecstasy, it fires our craving! It happens with all of us.
When you turn around and catch yourself making decisions because you want the money, or because you’re caught in the headlights of glory, well, those are greedy moments.”
“I think people who claim to have made every decision from a root of pure idealism, and never done anything dark or greedy, is lying. I think everybody who ventures into especially the music industry hoping for a career with big success, ends up making these Faustian bargains at some point even if only briefly. It’s an aggressive song and I think I write best when I’m angry.”
Ann Wilson is door de wol geverfd en kent het klappen van de zweep. toen ze in 2020 Brian Rohan tegenkwam kwam Fierce Bliss boven drijven.
“Brian recommended people to me that knew people in Nashville, so I met these guys like [famed Nashville session guitarist] Tom Bukovac and Tony Lucido at those Muscle Shoals Sound Studio sessions. I’d never met them before, and they really inspired me. It was like a big door opening.”
De chemische reactie bracht daarna Fierce Bliss teweeg.
“I had originally intended to go in, record a few songs and see what I had, but it just took on this life,” vertelt Ann. “At Sound Stage in Nashville, Kenny Wayne Shepherd came in and played on a couple songs. He was a whole other influence coming in. He just played his butt off, and with the gospel singers and everything else coming together, the whole project just started to grow.”
“I’d known Warren Haynes from Gov’t Mule for a while. We’d written a couple songs together with Gov’t Mule playing, and those rounded out the record. So all of a sudden, where there was no
record before, suddenly I had eleven cool songs that I really liked.”
Met Fierce Bliss krijg je klassieke rock voorgeschoteld, vol met de fijnste en meest delicate ingrediënten.
“I think that for someone who’s been through as much as I have, and has lived to tell the tales, it’s okay to share my experiences. I’ve heard from a lot of younger musicians and listeners too who have thanked me for staying around and for just keeping upright, just making it through, making the concessions once but not twice, and being able to live through it all with dignity.”
Fierce Bliss Track Listing:
1. Greed
2. Black Wing
3. Bridge of Sighs
4. Fighten for Life
5. Love of My Life (feat. Vince Gill)
6. Missionary Man
7. Gladiator
8. Forget Her
9. A Moment in Heaven
10. Angel’s Blues*
11. As the World Turns
*Available on CD and digital formats only
Musicians who appear on Fierce Bliss:
Vocals – Vince Gill on “Love of My Life”
Lead Guitar – Kenny Wayne Shepherd on “Bridge of Sighs” and “Missionary Man”
Guitar – Warren Haynes on “Gladiator” and “Angel’s Blues”
Guitar – Tyler Boley on “Black Wing”
Keyboards – Danny Louis on “Gladiator” and “Angel’s Blues”
Keyboards – Dan Walker on “Black Wing”
Bass – Jorgen Carlsson on “Gladiator” and “Angel’s Blues”
Bass – Andy Stoller on “Black Wing”
Drums – Matt Abts on “Gladiator” and “Angel’s Blues”
Choir – The Rev Nathan Young Singers on “Missionary Man
Ann Wilson komt met nieuw album