30 maart 2022 is de dag dat 013 op zijn grondvesten mag gaan schudden wanneer As I Lay Dying de boel muzikaal komt ‘verbouwen’ tijdens de Two Decades Of Destruction-tour. Het optreden in Nederland is er één van de 29 die de band in Europa gaat spelen.
Ze nemen daarbij de heren van Dying Fetus en Emmure mee en zullen waarschijnlijk in Nederland ook door Fit For A King worden bijgestaan.
Tim Lambesis : “I’m incredibly grateful to have a chance to go back out on tour and for the tremendous support we‘ve had on the ‘Shaped By Fire’ touring cycle so far. When I started AS I LAY DYING I never imagined we’d have a chance to travel the world as we have, and now we’ll be going back to places that feel like a second home at times. The band has been such an important part of my life personally, so it is very meaningful to see our music connect with so many other people as well.”
“It’s a huge milestone for the band to reach the 20-year mark, something which couldn’t have been done without the support and encouragement from our fans” vult Phil Sgrosso aan. “We feel that it is our responsibility to them to keep pushing ourselves in providing better music and a better live show. That is why we are looking to go bigger than we ever have before with our stage production as well as curating a live setlist that will span and highlight pinnacle moments from the band’s career. We are excited to return to the stage to celebrate this monumental occasion and hope to see many familiar faces in the crowd. Big thanks to Impericon for having us as this year’s festival headliner as well as DYING FETUS and EMMURE for joining us on the trek.”
Tickets for the tour can be purchased, here:
*Please keep in mind that the tour remains subject to the global pandemic guidelines and restrictions*
As I Lay Dying doet Nederland aan met de Two Decades Of Destructiontour